What to Expect
MacLean's patient-centered approach typically entails meeting with you to obtain a detailed history and discuss your expectations and what you would like to accomplish in therapy. At the end of the first session, a general treatment plan will be developed, including a discussion of the projected length of involvement. Many clients have plans which take 5-10 sessions, though some are shorter or longer, depending on the situation. It is important to ensure progress in therapy, given the time, effort, and cost required and to ensure your expectations continue to be met and you feel ongoing progression.
Patients are encouraged to discuss concerns about the process with Dr. MacLean at any point. She will normally return phone messages within 1 business day, or if she is unavailable, there will be a voice recording/absense alert posted on the website, email, and voice mail systems. The office is not equipped to handle emergency situations, therefore if you are in an emergency situation, please call the Crisis Support Centre Distress Line, the Crisis Response Team, 911, or make your way to the nearest hospital emergency room.
Are $200.00 per hour session according to the Psychologists Association of Alberta fee schedule. Psychological services are often covered by extended health benefits or employee assistance plans and are also income tax deductible. Please confirm the requirements and limits of your insurance coverage before making your appointment. Usually all you need is a printed receipt displaying a valid certification number. Some agencies require a physician's (general practitioner, or medical doctor) referral/prescription before they will reimburse you. Many will not allow third party billing.
Clients typically pay with a cheque or cash each session, as credit card services are not available.
Evening appointments are available.
Under most circumstances, information obtained during sessions will be kept in confidence by Dr. MacLean. Basically, this means that topics discussed during therapy will usually not be shared with anyone else. However, psychologists are required to break this confidence in certain situations, including previous child/senior abuse, risk for future child/senior abuse, threats to harm another person, and suicidal threats. Of course, Dr. MacLean can share information with another professional (e.g., physician, teacher) at your request and with your consent.
Missed appointment
Clients are required to notify Dr. MacLean at least 24 hours prior to a session if a cancellation or rescheduling is necessary. Clients canceling after this time or not showing for a scheduled appointment will be required to pay $90. |